Advanced Volume Converter
Common Conversions Reference
1 Liter =
- 0.001 Cubic Meters
- 1,000 Milliliters
- 0.264172 US Gallons
- 0.219969 UK Gallons
- 33.814 US Fluid Ounces
1 US Gallon =
- 3.78541 Liters
- 0.00378541 Cubic Meters
- 231 Cubic Inches
- 4 US Quarts
- 8 US Pints
- 16 US Cups
1 Cubic Meter =
- 1,000 Liters
- 35.3147 Cubic Feet
- 264.172 US Gallons
- 219.969 UK Gallons
- 1,000,000 Cubic Centimeters
Kitchen Equivalents:
- 1 US Cup = 16 US Tablespoons
- 1 US Tablespoon = 3 US Teaspoons
- 1 US Cup = 8 US Fluid Ounces
- 1 US Quart = 4 US Cups
- 1 US Pint = 2 US Cups
Unit Categories
International System of Units (SI) based measurements used globally.
Traditional units used primarily in the United States and, historically, in the United Kingdom.
Industry & Science
Specialized units used in specific industries, scientific research, or historical contexts.