Advanced Weight Converter
Common Conversions Reference
1 Kilogram =
- 1,000 Grams
- 2.20462 Pounds
- 35.274 Ounces
- 0.157473 Stone
- 32.1507 Troy Ounces
1 Pound =
- 453.592 Grams
- 0.453592 Kilograms
- 16 Ounces
- 7,000 Grains
- 0.0714286 Stone
Precious Metals:
- 1 Troy Ounce = 31.1035 Grams
- 1 Troy Pound = 12 Troy Ounces
- 1 Carat = 0.2 Grams
- 1 Pennyweight = 1.55517 Grams
- 1 Tael ≈ 37.8 Grams (varies by region)
Unit Categories
International System of Units (SI) based measurements used globally.
Traditional units used primarily in the United States and, historically, in the United Kingdom.
Troy & Precious Metals
Units used in jewelry, precious metals, and gemstone industries.
Asian Units
Traditional weight units used in various Asian countries.
Physics & Science
Units used in scientific contexts, including planetary and atomic masses.