Study Notes

Gravitational Force (Fg=mg)

Gravitational force

Gravitational Force (Fg = mg): Understanding the Force That Governs the Universe

Gravitational force is one of the fundamental forces of nature that shapes our universe. From the movement of planets to the way objects fall to the ground, gravity plays a crucial role in our everyday lives and in the cosmic ballet of celestial bodies. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of gravitational force, the formula Fg = mg, and the physics behind it. We will also answer some frequently asked questions to help you understand this fundamental topic in AP Physics 1.

What is Gravitational Force?

Gravitational force refers to the attractive force that exists between two objects that have mass. This force is responsible for keeping us grounded on Earth, for holding planets in orbit around the Sun, and for keeping celestial objects in motion across the universe. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation describes how every object with mass attracts every other object with mass, and this attractive force is what we call gravitational force.

In simpler terms, gravitational force is the pull that one object exerts on another due to their masses. The strength of this force depends on two main factors: the masses of the objects and the distance between them. The larger the mass, the greater the gravitational force; and as the distance between the objects increases, the gravitational force decreases.

The Gravitational Force Formula: Fg = mg

The formula for gravitational force is:

Fg = mg


  • Fg: Gravitational force (measured in newtons, N)

  • m: Mass of the object (measured in kilograms, kg)

  • g: Acceleration due to gravity (measured in meters per second squared, m/s²)

The value of g depends on the celestial body. On Earth, g is approximately 9.8 m/s², which means that every object experiences a gravitational pull of 9.8 newtons for each kilogram of its mass. This equation is used to calculate the gravitational force acting on an object near the surface of the Earth.

For example, if an object has a mass of 10 kg, the gravitational force acting on it can be calculated as:

Fg = 10 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 98 N

This means that the Earth exerts a gravitational force of 98 newtons on the object.

Understanding Acceleration Due to Gravity

Acceleration due to gravity (g) is the rate at which an object accelerates as it falls freely towards a celestial body. On Earth, g is approximately 9.8 m/s², but this value varies on other planets and celestial objects due to differences in mass and radius. For example, the value of g on the Moon is about 1.62 m/s², which is why objects weigh less on the Moon compared to Earth.

Related Concepts

  • Mass: Mass is a measure of how much matter an object contains. Unlike weight, mass does not change depending on location. It remains constant regardless of where the object is in the universe.

  • Acceleration Due to Gravity: This refers to the acceleration experienced by an object in free fall near the surface of a planet or celestial body, such as Earth.

  • Universal Gravitational Constant (G): In Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, the constant G represents the gravitational constant, which is used in calculations involving the gravitational force between two bodies at any distance.

Gravitational Force and Weight

The gravitational force acting on an object is also known as the object’s weight. Weight is the measure of the gravitational pull that Earth (or any other celestial body) exerts on an object. The formula Fg = mg helps us calculate this weight. It is important to understand that weight is different from mass: while mass is an intrinsic property of an object, weight depends on the gravitational force acting on that object.

For example, an object with a mass of 5 kg will weigh approximately 49 N on Earth, but on the Moon, the weight will be much less because the acceleration due to gravity is lower there.

Applications of Gravitational Force

Gravitational force is fundamental in many aspects of physics and our understanding of the universe. Here are a few examples:

  1. Free-Fall Motion: Objects dropped from a height fall towards Earth due to gravitational force. Their acceleration during this fall is determined by the value of g.

  2. Orbital Motion: The gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon keeps the Moon in orbit. Similarly, the force of gravity from the Sun keeps planets in their elliptical orbits.

  3. Weight Measurement: The concept of gravitational force allows us to calculate the weight of objects and understand how it varies on different planets.

  4. Tides: The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun causes ocean tides on Earth.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gravitational Force

Q1: What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object and is measured in kilograms (kg). It remains constant regardless of location. Weight, on the other hand, is the force of gravity acting on an object’s mass and is measured in newtons (N). Weight changes depending on the gravitational field strength.

Q2: What is the value of g on Earth?

The value of g on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s². This means that any object in free fall near the Earth’s surface will accelerate at this rate due to gravity.

Q3: How does gravitational force change with distance?

Gravitational force decreases as the distance between two objects increases. According to Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of the two masses.

Q4: Why do objects weigh less on the Moon than on Earth?

The Moon has a lower mass and smaller radius compared to Earth, resulting in a weaker gravitational field. As a result, objects experience less gravitational force on the Moon, making them weigh less compared to their weight on Earth.

Q5: How can gravitational force be calculated for objects on different planets?

To calculate gravitational force on different planets, use the formula Fg = mg, but replace g with the specific value of gravitational acceleration for that planet. For example, on Mars, g is approximately 3.71 m/s².


Gravitational force is a fundamental aspect of our universe that governs everything from falling apples to planetary orbits. The formula Fg = mg helps us understand the relationship between mass, gravitational acceleration, and the gravitational force acting on an object. By understanding gravitational force, we gain insight into many natural phenomena and lay the groundwork for further exploration in physics and astronomy.

Whether you’re a student studying for AP Physics or just curious about the world around you, grasping the concept of gravitational force is essential. It provides us with the tools to explain why objects fall, why planets orbit stars, and how the universe is held together by this invisible force.


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