Modified past papers
Some of the 2022 and 2023 past papers are labelled ‘modified’. This means SQA made changes to the question paper in response to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as part of our modifications to assessment in National Courses. For example, a modified past paper may be shorter, have fewer marks or contain fewer topics than past papers from previous years.
Specimen question papers
Specimen question papers are available for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications. These show what a question paper looks like – how it is structured and the types of questions it contains. They also include marking instructions. Find them under ‘Past Papers and Marking Instructions’
Digital Question Papers
Digital question papers (DQPs) are digitised versions of question papers for disabled candidates or candidates with additional support needs who may have reading and/or writing difficulties.
They are interactive PDFs to allow learners to answer question papers digitally and on screen. Not all accessibility features have been included to ensure these replicate the conditions learners and teachers would experience during the assessment period. It is not always possible to add accessibility features without compromising the integrity of the assessments.
Digital Question Papers guidance
- Introduction to Digital Question Papers for Centres
(205 KB)
- Introduction to Digital Question Papers for Candidates
(164 KB)
- Digital Question Papers: Exam Guide for Centres
(212 KB)
Digital Question Papers (Past Papers)
2023 Digital Question Papers
Please select the digital question papers (DQP)for 2023 from the following table.
NOTE: DQPs are interactive PDFs to allow learners to answer question papers digitally and on screen. Not all accessibility features have been included to ensure these replicate the conditions learners and teachers would experience during the assessment period. It is not always possible to add accessibility features without compromising the integrity of the assessments.
2022 Digital Question Papers
Please select the digital question papers for 2022 from the following table.
NOTE: DQPs are interactive PDFs to allow learners to answer question papers digitally and on screen. Not all accessibility features have been included to ensure these replicate the conditions learners and teachers would experience during the assessment period. It is not always possible to add accessibility features without compromising the integrity of the assessments.
2019 Digital Question Papers
Please select the digital question papers (DQP) for 2019 from the following table.
NOTE: DQPs are interactive PDFs to allow learners to answer question papers digitally and on screen. Not all accessibility features have been included to ensure these replicate the conditions learners and teachers would experience during the assessment period. It is not always possible to add accessibility features without compromising the integrity of the assessments.
2018 Digital Question Papers
Please select the digital question papers for 2018 from the following table.