Looking at expanding and factorising quadratics using both the grid and by splitting with Year 9 this week. Here are some of the Fill in the Blanks activities:

More A-level resources, this time for AS Mechanics:
Mechanics Definitions Match-Up
Vectors, Scalars and Unit Conversions Fill in the Blanks
Vector Magnitude and Direction Fill in the Blanks

Some resources on expanding and factorising to challenge my Year 9 class in today’s lesson:
Mixed Expanding Single and Double Brackets Practice Strips
Harder Factorising with Common Factors Practice Strips

More A-level resources from last week’s Year 12 lessons:
Mixed Simultaneous Equations Crack the Code
Graphical Inequalities and Regions Fill in the Blanks

Some new Fill in the Blanks A-level resources used over the last week or so:
Solving Systems of Inequalities
Set Notation for Inequalities
Really useful practice for my Year 12 Further Mathematicians.

In today’s Year 12 lesson we looked at hidden quadratics using this fill in the blanks resource, as well as trying a couple of activities from Underground Maths.

Some resources I made for today’s Maths lessons:
Year 8 needed some additional practice of rounding to one significant figure
After some practice of simplifying surds without a calculator, Year 9 got stuck into some more challenging questions

More new A-level resources used with Year 12 today, introducing them to the discriminant after a quick proof of the quadratic formula!

In Year 12 Maths today, we were sketching quadratics and finding equations from graphs using these new resources. Answers corrected after the students spotted a couple of mistakes!

I’ve decided to start making a few new resources for my Year 12 class this year, so as I’m starting with quadratics, I’ve made a couple of fill in the blanks to revise GCSE stuff. I’ve set up a new A-level section on the website, with the aim of adding resources as I go this year.