There are two sets of guides: one for CIE (Cambridge International Assessments) and one for international Edexcel. They have both been written for the new syllabi. They are very different syllabi so make sure you revise the right one!
CIE Chemistry
1 CIE Atoms molecules and stoichiometry
19 CIE carboxylic acids and derivatives
International Edexcel
1 Formulae, Equations and Amount of Substance iedxcel
2. atomic structure and periodic table iedxcel
4. Introductory Organic Chemistry and Alkanes iedxcel
7. Intermolecular Forces idexcel
9. Introduction to Kinetics and Equilibria iedxcel
10 Halogenoalkanes, Alcohols analysis iedxcel
12. Entropy and Energetics iedxcel
13. Chemical Equilibria iedxcel
14. Acid base equilibria iedxcel
15. Carbonyls, Carboxylic Acids and chirality iedxcel
18. organic chemistry arenes iedxcel
19. organic Nitrogen Compounds iedxcel